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Tell us what you want at PyBay 2018, Aug 16-19!

From: Grace L.
Sent on: Friday, February 2, 2018, 12:28 PM
Hi there,

We are excited to announce that the 3rd Annual PyBay will happen in the 3rd weekend of August, conveniently avoiding the collision with Outside Land this time. Dig?  

Similar to last year, this community-run Regional Python Conference is built with you in mind. Please help us shape the program by answering a few questions by Feb 15.  

Yes, tell us what topic interests you and who you’d like to hear speak. 

Call for proposals will begin Feb 21. We want to orient the drive for talks on topics that interest you.  And yes, we will continue to try to get Guido and Dave Beazley. 👌 let us know if you can help in that!  🙏

Meanwhile, please save the date:
  • Pre-conference workshops (8/16-17)
  • Main-conference (8/18-19)
Yes, the main conference needs to happen on the weekend since the organizing team has a regular job.

Thanks in advance spreading the word and for contributing your ideas to PyBay! 


Grace Law

PyBay Conference Chair and SF Python Organizer

[masked] / [address removed]

Follow us on twitter at @py_bay

Check out the highlights from PyBay2017

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