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Re: [linux-5] Linux Questions

From: user 7.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 1:40 PM
From my opinion also Ubuntu 9.10 is quite good, it is stable and a very good support community. Also has mostly all the hardware and video drivers pre-installed.


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Keith <[address removed]> wrote:
I second Marcus' statements. ��I use Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop, and it works great. ��Excellent networking support, including wired, wifi, and cellular modem, and now, great support for external projectors and monitors.

It will take some learning to get really comfortable with administration, but if you have the time and interest, I highly recommend it.

I much prefer it to Windows.

- Keith

Keith R. Bennett
Senior Software Consultant

On Dec 28, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Marcus Lim wrote:

Dear Mr Looi,

Thank you for your questions. I will try to answer them as best I can and hope that you will give Linux a try.
  1. Many members have linux installed notebook computers. I personally, have been using Linux on my notebook since 2005.
  2. The linux laptops are able to access the internet via network cables and wireless networks as well. Some wireless network adapters may need more time to set up for access to the internet.
  3. Data files like documents, pictures, music, videos and spreadsheets are mostly compatible whether you download onto linux or windows or even Mac OS. Application installation files will be different. Linux installation files will be different from windows installation files and are generally incompatible. However, there are ways to make some windows programs run on linux and also some linux programs run on windows.
  4. You can access most websites using linux installed laptops which are setup properly. I use linux for DBS, UOB internet banking, YouTube, Facebook and many others. There are some sites which insist on a particular browser version, say IE 7 which i do not have and thus cannot view it. These are very few and far between.
I hope this gives you the right expectation about Linux, as one article provided to you by a fellow member has mentioned, Linux is different from Windows. Some ways Linux does things are different but it doesn't mean that its bad, it might actually be better than windows.


looi eng isme wrote:

Dear Mr.Goh,
I need your member help to answer my queries here.
Does any of the members have linux installed notebook computers ?
Can the linux installed laptop access internet ?
Is the files downloaded from internet in the llinux installed laptop compatible with window installed laptop ?
Can we access all the websites using linux installed laptop ?

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