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What we’re about

This group is for anyone interested in learning Tarot, Oracle, and Runes from a shamanic, holistic, and archetypal perspective. With proper intention and familiarity, the mystical realms of Runes, the powerful symbology of Tarot, and the soul-moving messages of Oracle can become our daily companions and helping guides. They reveal their mysteries with grace and honesty, so we can align with our purpose, develop our unique gifts, and overcome challenges and obstacles.
The shamanic approach means that we implement activities that align us with our intuition and allow us to become psychically attuned to personal messages.
Some exercises might include grounding, working with elemental energies of wind, fire, earth, and water, ritual, ceremony, galder, observance of earthly cycles, working with the Moon and so much more.

I hope to see you in our classrooms on ZOOM or in person at Tribal Trends in Hendersonville NC!

May the force be with y'all.
Much love and blessings
Pati Becker

More about Pati Becker
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