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Shut Up And Write Glasgow ONLINE!

Photo of Kate Scott
Hosted By
Kate S.


If you’re looking for a writing group that offers you encouragement, motivation, accountability and sass, we can absolutely guarantee at least one of those things.

You'll find us online every Saturday at 9.20am, and in the Kelvingrove iCafe every Saturday at 10am for people able to get out of their beds. Here's how it works on Saturdays online:

9.20: Join us on Zoom for a pre-writing catch up. (The Zoom link is on the event page, visible only to attendees).

9.30: We'll start an hour's focused work on our current masterpieces, muted or off-camera to avoid disturbing each other.

10.30: We'll get back on camera for a post-writing cool-down, cheering each other on for the progress we've made. Everyone's then welcome to stay on, hanging out and talking rubbish for as long as people can take it.


Please bear in mind people bounce around ideas based on experiences that others might find upsetting, or in a tone that might feel appropriate to them but not to others. So let's not censor each other but let's also aim not to upset each other.

And let's go for basic Zoom etiquette, giving everyone a chance to talk and not talking over each other. Whee!

Photo of Shut Up & Write!® Glasgow group
Shut Up & Write!® Glasgow
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