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May Silent Book Club

Photo of Georgina Howe
Hosted By
Georgina H.
May Silent Book Club


As the weather begins to warm up, why not spend an hour or two surrounded by nature in the peace and quiet with a good book.

Bring your own book/ebook/audiobook - can be anything you fancy, there's no judgement here.

Rough itinerary:
18.30 - Meet up under the teepee. You can't miss it. If you're feeling sociable, place your book on the pile on one of the tables and chat away to fellow members. If you're here just to read, that's absolutely fine, find yourself somewhere comfy and we'll try not to disturb :)
18.45 - Intros. After a quick photo of the book pile, we'll grab our books.
19.00 - Reading time. If we haven't already begun, we'll all settle down to an hour of uninterrupted reading.
20.00 - Feel free to chat or carry on reading.
20.30 - We'll say our goodbyes.

Obviously if you're bringing an audiobook with you, please bring headphones and please do not disturb any of the surrounding allotments - a lot of people put a lot of love and time into these plots!

Car parking on site.

Many thanks to Roots Allotments for the use of Sugar Loaf Fields :)
For more info or if you are interested in a plot, click here.

More info on Silent Book Club -
Silent Book Club is a global community of readers and introverts, with more than 500 chapters in 50 countries around the world led by local volunteers. SBC members gather in public at bars, cafes, bookstores, libraries, and online to read together in quiet camaraderie.
Silent Book Club started in San Francisco in 2012 with a couple of friends—Guinevere de la Mare and Laura Gluhanich—reading in companionable silence at our neighborhood bar. We loved books, and reading with friends, but most of our previous attempts at book clubs had fizzled out.
Often with traditional book clubs there's the scramble to finish the selected book, and the pressure to have something smart to say. Wouldn't it be great to have a book club where you could just enjoy books, friends, and drinks—without any homework?
At Silent Book Club, there's no assigned reading. All readers are welcome—ebooks, audiobooks, textbooks, comic books... it's BYOBook. Our events are free and support local businesses. Friends and strangers gather at a set time and location, order food or drinks, share what they're reading, and settle in for an hour of silent, sustained reading. At the end of the hour, attendees can socialize—or not!
We started Silent Book Club because reading with friends enriches our lives and makes us happy. We love hearing about what people are reading (often in their other book clubs) and we think it's important to put down our phones and be social. Real, live, breathing-the-same-air social, not hearting-you-on-Instagram social.
Silent Book Club is about community. Everyone is welcome, and anyone can join or launch a chapter. We encourage people all over the world to start their own Silent Book Clubs. All you need is a friend, a comfy public setting, and a book. We have active chapters around the world in cities of all sizes, and new chapters are being launched by volunteers every week.

Photo of Silent Book Club Stourbridge group
Silent Book Club Stourbridge
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