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Calling all volunteers for Relief Efforts for the Survivors of Sandy in NJ and Rockaway NY.

From: Jayson
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2012, 9:33 AM

Calling all Volunteers! I'm attending tomorrow's relief efforts to help survivors of Sandy. Who's with me? If interested please let me know by 4 pm today.  I'll need to get you registered in order to help.


Location:  509 Forest Hill Parkway, Bayville, NJ 08721

Time:  Arrive 7:30 AM ends after 3 pm or so.

What you will be doing?  Setting up tables, chairs, giving and receiving HUGS, giving SMILES, etc....

This is only open to a few people.  If you are seriously interested in helping let me know.

Lunch will be provided.  Just bring yourself, warm clothing, and your SMILE!

More info:[masked]

Video of what happens:

If you are interested in helping the Rockaways let me know too.


Jayson (Founder and Organizer of NY NJ Bucket List)


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