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Volunteering my time for residents of Sandy Relief.

From: Jayson
Sent on: Friday, December 7, 2012, 3:10 PM

Hello Fellow Bucketeers!,

I hope you are well.

For the past 2 weekends and this Sat I’ll have volunteered over 20+ hrs with Tzu Chi,  a non-profit International Buddhist organization that have collected monetary donations from over 30 countries.  They have been distributing money (2 x $300 debit cards), blankets (made from recycled plastic bottles), etc…. to NY/NJ residents affected by super storm Sandy.   Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation in the U.S.; registered as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in California.  I’ll be volunteering in Long Beach, NJ this Sat.  You can see my involvement in the video below.


Tzu Chi’s Website:

Facebook page:


“The Tzu Chi Foundation, a Buddhist disaster relief organization, is giving $10 million to Superstorm Sandy victims in New York City.

The foundation raised the money from individual contributors around the world. Liu said most families identified as eligible for the help will get $600 in the form of a Visa debit card.

Volunteers from the Tzu Chi organization are going around badly damaged neighborhoods to meet eligible people.

The charity was founded in 1966 in Hualien, Taiwan and has more than 80 offices in the United States. Its name means "compassionate relief" in Mandarin.”

Read more:


Check out the 2  videos on YouTube, that shows the distribution aid provided.

Click on USE Quota Time to view the views.

I’m on TV, 3 times in this video.  See if you can spot me J

Best regards,

Jayson (Founder and Organizer of NY NJ Bucket List)

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