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Re: [ruby-99] What are the most attractive concepts in Ruby right now?

From: Noah
Sent on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 3:55 PM
1. I'll agree that BDD is pretty nice.  Metaprogramming is always good, as Rails demonstrates extensively.  I think that we'll keep seeing great DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages) for tools in Ruby, like Cucumber and Rake and Rails routing and many, many others.

2. Still Rails.  I wish I'd found it sooner, in fact.  I'm switching from restful_authentication to authlogic right now, so that'd be a difference.  Also:  RSpec and webrat.

3. Ruby, though JRuby-plus-Java deserves an honorable mention.  The Java ecosystem has some interesting stuff, JRuby is a really excellent tool, and regular Ruby isn't great at multithreading.

4. Rails is pretty neutral on this.  Of course, so are most frameworks.  So it's pretty much "nobody supports that well yet, but Rails is about as good as anybody."

5. Can't speak for PHP, but Rails salaries compare favorably to Java salaries.  I think you'll see that moving closer to equality over time as we see more people switch to Rails.  Right now there's a bit of a shortage of good Rails people.  However, salaries are more about fashion than fundamentals in many cases -- don't pick one technology over another based on the current salaries, they could change enormously in six months or less.

--- On Wed, 5/26/10, Arvind <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Arvind <[address removed]>
Subject: [ruby-99] What are the most attractive concepts in Ruby right now?
To: [address removed]
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 3:40 PM

Repeating good question:

Ruby Newbie here.

1. What are the most attractive concepts in Ruby right now? And what are coming down the pipe?

2. If you were to learn ruby anew today, what would you focus on? Especially which frameworks / libraries / APIs

3. If you were to build a fairly complex app - ala facebook, would you use PHP / Ruby / Java? Thinking on this?

4. How well does Ruby support mobile apps and HTML5 Canvas compared to other languages/frameworks?

5. How do ruby salaries stack up with java / PHP nowadays (past 6 mo)?


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