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5/29 Wed 7pm Android Graphic & Animation Experts

From: Bess H.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 2:38 PM

Sorry members. I took me half year to invite these two busy desirable experts from Google. Convince them they still have energy left to present after their crazy schedule for Google I/O. Please help us spread the words about the event.


Chet Hasse, Android at Google
Expertise: Android Graphics & Animation, Writing Humor Books and technical articles

Roman Guy, Android Engineering at Google
Expertise: Graphic, Animation, Professional Landscape Photography

Session I A Moving Experience

This talk will show various types of application animations and the code for how to achieve them. Developers should leave the presentation (not too quickly!) with more knowledge about how Android animations work, how to use the APIs effectively, and how to pull together various techniques to create more involved, more interesting and more compelling animations for their applications.

Session II Android Graphics Performance

Engineers from the Android UI Graphics team will show some tips, tricks, tools, and techniques for getting the best performance and smoothest UI for your Android applications.

7:00pm Networking
7:30pm Session I
8:30pm Session II
9:30pm Q&A
9:45pm Give-away


Chet Haase

I'm a graphics geek. I work on animations, graphics, and the UI toolkit for the Android framework: making things move and move smoothly. I've written programming and comedy books and enjoy giving presentations at developer events. Like this one.

Romain Guy

Tech lead on the Android 2D rendering pipeline and UI toolkit. I am a graphics geek and I enjoy helping developers improve their applications.

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