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May Full Moon Paddle at jordan

Photo of David D
Hosted By
David D.
May Full Moon Paddle at jordan


Summer weather is unpredictable, so please check back here a few hours before event for any weather cancellations!

we launch from Farrington point cartop ramps (not the motorboat ramps).
map link:

enter there and go left at the fork. please share a long, parking space if you can, it might get crowded! The motor boat side usually has a potty or two if you need.

Paddles wet 730 so please arrive no later than 615 to be ready. We’ll probably have a good turn out, and will not be able to wait for late arrivers.

Sunset 820, moonrise 856.
Should be back to launch 10ish

we will likely head left from launch, under bridge, about 1.5mi to island. i love to have a swim there and watch sunset, but depends on air and water temps. swimming optional, but highly recommend).
bring a pool noodle or other float if you want to be decadent.

note that a white light and whistle are required by law. a flashlight in a ziplock bag can suffice. but since white lights are blinding to others at night, SK also REQUIRES you to wear or have mounted on your boat a red (best) or soft green light or other soft light that is on at all times after dark. the red light can be as simple as this, clipped to boat or pfd

you can generally buy lights like this at walmart, rei, etc.

this one is great because it serves both purposes:

please don’t leave the group at night without informing trip organizer!

Sorry but no Stand Ups or inflatables.

Wearing a PFD and whistle are required on all SK events. Bring water, sunscreen, bug spray, snacks as needed. There are no restrooms at this location.

remember that you always paddle at your own risk. simply kayaking is a club for getting old and new friends together and bears no responsibility for your safety or convenience.

more fun, less drama!

Photo of Simply Kayaking ! group
Simply Kayaking !
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Farrington Point Boat Ramp
605 Farrington Point Rd · Chapel Hill, NC
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