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Board Games in Otaniemi

Photo of Inder
Hosted By
Board Games in Otaniemi


Welcome to board game night in Otaniemi, Espoo. The event will take place in Taproom d20, a cozy pub specializing in local beers and board games. We will play one of the pub's huge selection of board games, or you can also bring your own board games if you feel like it. This event is open to everyone interested in board games.

I can reserve two tables, so attendance is limited to 12. If you end up on the waitlist feel free to join us, but I can't guarantee that there will be available seats or tables in the pub.

What kind of board games do you play?
-> Most of us are casual players, we tend to play different board games, but most of them are easy to pick up and have fun with, for example, Codenames, Avalon...
Do you have a discount in this pub?
-> Yes, we do. When you show up, I'll share more about it :)

NOTE: To ensure we have enough space for everyone, please keep your RSVP updated to make sure that all those interested have a chance to participate, keep your RSVP updated. No-showing group members twice in a row might be rejected from future events.

Photo of Sincha Social Meetup group
Sincha Social Meetup
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Every week on Friday

Taproom d20
Otakaari 27 · Espoo