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What we’re about

🎶 Are you an English-speaking expat living in the heart of Europe, Brussels? Are you looking for a way to express yourself, make new friends, and immerse yourself in the local culture? Look no further! Join the Sing With Us Choir and discover the joy of singing in a fun, benevolent, and happy environment.

🌍 About Us:
The Sing With Us Choir is a vibrant and diverse community of expats and locals who share a passion for music and a love for making connections. Located in the capital of Europe, our choir offers a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals from all walks of life to come together through the universal language of song.

🎵 What to Expect:

Fun and Engaging Singing Sessions: Our rehearsals are filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the pure delight of singing. We perform a wide range of songs, from classic hits to modern tunes, ensuring there's something for everyone.

Benevolent Atmosphere: Our choir is built on the principles of support and encouragement. Whether you're a seasoned singer or have never sung before, you'll feel right at home. We believe in nurturing each other's talents and building confidence.

Happiness Through Music: Music has the power to uplift spirits and create lasting memories. Join us, and you'll experience the happiness that comes from making beautiful music together.

🌟 Why Join:

Connect with Like-minded People: Our choir is a fantastic way to meet fellow expats and locals who share your love for singing and a good time.

Improve Your Vocal Skills: Whether you're a novice or an experienced singer, our talented choir director and members will help you grow as a vocalist.

Experience Cultural Diversity: Our members hail from all corners of the world, making our choir a unique cultural melting pot right in the heart of Brussels.

🗓️ Join Us:
If you're ready to embark on a musical journey filled with friendship, joy, and cultural enrichment, come and sing with us at the Brussels Expat Choir. We welcome singers of all ages and backgrounds, and no prior experience is required. Just bring your enthusiasm and love for music!

Let's create beautiful harmonies and unforgettable memories together. Join us today and be part of a benevolent, fun, and happy singing community right here in Brussels.

Don't miss out! Join our Meetup group now and RSVP for our next rehearsal. We can't wait to sing with you! 🎤🎶🤗