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From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Saturday, July 11, 2015, 1:28 PM


Hey Cool Peeps,  The password for tonight is "Cool Peeps" will get you in for $4 instead of $8 after 7:30pm

It's a Saturday night with Soul Power so the Rhythm Room will be crowded and hopping tonight no doubt.  There is an early band playing and those early patrons are able to stay into the next show.  There may be only a few seats available depending on the first show turnout.  If you want a place to park yourself  then I suggest getting there near 7:30 and watching for people leaving their seats... You don't have to have a place to sit, many people stand up and dance all night or rest outside once i awhile..

It's hard to get our group in any particular area on nights like this when its so crowded and there's an early show. If you are only attending to meet people in our group then this may not be the night for it.  If you are willing to meet other people whether they are in this group or not then I assure that you will not be disappointed.   I chose the Rhythm Room to have events because of the people this place attracts.  Its a diverse crowd that someone of any age can feel comfortable in, you can dress any way you want, you don't have to drink as they keep self help water by each bartender can really be any way you want as long as you're polite to others.  It's also a very safe place for women to attend alone. Many of our members are women who come alone and keep coming back.

It's really a safe place full of people who want to get out , listen and dance to some music, and meet new friends...How can that not be a great thing to do?


Look forward to seeing all of you soon,

Larry Head



here's where we generally hang out, I'll bring beads if anyone wants to wear still may be difficult to find each other because of the early show.

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