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The Five Love Languages: Presented by Roberta Wasserman

Photo of Chris Hyers
Hosted By
Chris H.
The Five Love Languages: Presented by Roberta Wasserman


Single Again meetings are run by a licensed professional that provide education and support to adults experiencing the loss of a significant relationship. Learn from our excellent coordinators and each other in the group. Rebuilding your life requires some reflection on your past while looking toward the future, by attending the weekly meetings and doing the work with other like minded adults you will gain knowledge and skills to create a new life.

Join those who are single again, either recently separated or separated for some time and looking for support on moving forward.
After the group discussion we will break into smaller groups to share our own experiences and hear about others experiences. Together we will gain knowledge and insights that we can apply to form a new life and create better relationships with the people we know now and meet in the future.

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Meeting ID: 815 605 9234
Passcode: 1232019
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**Please be kind to others and mute yourself unless speaking to prevent unwanted back ground noise. THANK YOU in advance for your cooperation.

Single Again is a member supported non-profit organization. ALL of our funds to operate this meeting comes from the generosity of our members. We only ask that if you have the ability to donate please do so by going to Changing Focus website and click the DONATE button.

**Click the DONATE button.

It will re-direct you to Payal; from there you can use your Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover or debit card if linked to the previously mentioned companies or your PayPal account if you have one. It is NOT required to get a PayPal account just click the pay by credit card button. You can also go retro and mail us a check to Changing Focus 1657 Crofton Parkway Crofton MD 21114.

**Your contribution is greatly appreciated. These times are difficult for a group like ours that relies on in person meetings and it has been a challenged to keep operating without making adjustments; much like we all have had to change our ways to function in the pandemic.

Single Again meetings are run by a licensed professional that provide education and support to those going through the breakup of a significant relationship. Learn from our excellent coordinators and each other in the group. It has been very helpful for many many wonderful people going through a difficult time in their life. Rebuilding your life requires some reflection on your past while looking toward the future, by attending the weekly meetings and doing the work with other like minded adults you will gain knowledge and skills to create a new life.

Photo of Single Again - Columbia/Ellicott City group
Single Again - Columbia/Ellicott City
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