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Yellowstone Trip over Labor Day week

Photo of Marvin Xu
Hosted By
Marvin X.
Yellowstone Trip over Labor Day week


Discover Yellowstone's Marvels:
Embark on an extraordinary expedition into Yellowstone, where geysers, majestic wildlife, and stunning landscapes converge. This adventure invites you to explore the iconic beauty of the world's first national park, a realm where geysers erupt, bison roam freely, and canyons carve through the Earth.
As you traverse the ecosystems of Yellowstone, you'll marvel at the power of Old Faithful, and encounter elusive grizzly bears, bighorn sheep, and herds of majestic bison.
Our campground and lodges booked are in the heart of Yellowstone making them accessible to all locations.
If you are not comfortable with hiking or encountering bears, you can skip those activities but still come with us.
Tours <- Click for more info
The detailed itinerary will only be shared to those who are confirmed.
We will hit all 17 of the top visiting spots in US News Report for Yellowstone . This is possible because we have booked the most ideal location for camping and lodging.
August 30: Travel to Yellowstone

  • Option 1: Start driving from Seattle to Yellowstone.
  • Option 2: Fly to Yellowstone International Airport. Rent a car.

August 31-1: Grand Canyon at Yellowstone

  • Set up camp or check into Lodge.
  • Grand Canyon
  • Mammoth Hot Springs

September 2-5: Yellowstone's Geysers and grizzly bear and wolf visitor center

  • Explore the famous geysers
  • Do hikes(optional)
  • Go to grizzly bear and wolf visitor center

September 6-7: Northern Yellowstone and visit bison and bear and wolf sightings location

  • Explore bison, bear and wolf sighting locations(optional tour).
  • Do hikes(optional)
  • Yellowstone Lake

September 8: Departure

  • Drive or fly back

Equipment: Check the link
Check this link for more info
Accommodation Availability:

  • Only 6 camping spots and 4 lodging spots are available. These spots are in a central and prime location, and they will be booked quickly. They are booked on a first pay first serve basis.

Refund Policy:

  • Full refunds for everything is available if you attend or drop out by July 1st.
  • Partial refunds for cancellations between July 2nd and July 31st. A penalty of $50 will be deducted, and everything else will be refunded.
  • No cancellations refunds will be provided after August 1st, and all fees will be forfeited unless the trip itself is canceled or you can find replacement from waitlist.

The waitlist is ordered so those who get on waitlist first have priority over later joiners. Paying the full amount secures you a spot on the waitlist if the event is full. If a spot opens up then I will reach out and ask if you're interested in joining. If you are interested then you can join us and if not then I'll refund. Anyone who doesn't get off waitlist by the start will be refunded.
Payment methods:
Make sure payment is for friends/family

Liability Waiver:
Filling this out is required

  • All communication for this trip will be conducted via WhatsApp so it is required for coordination and updates.
  • General Trip Questions: General WhatsApp Group
  • Confirmed Members, campers, lodgers, car-goers and flyers will have their own whatsApp group that they are invited to

Google docs link for more info

Photo of Singles Travel Club group
Singles Travel Club
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Green Lake Park & Ride
6601 8th Ave NE · Seattle, WA
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