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What we’re about

Are you navigating the unique journey of not having children? Have you ever found yourself in a social gathering where the conversation revolves around children, leaving you feeling a bit excluded? This meetup is here to support you!
Whether by choice or circumstance, the paths to childlessness vary. Whether you didn't find the right partner (or didn't find them in time), faced health challenges hindering pregnancy, expected it to happen naturally but it didn't or maybe you were undecided and time slipped away – life unfolds uniquely for each of us. Despite the twists and turns, our value remains equal to that of other women.

Join our supportive meetup group where age is just a number, and the reasons behind not having children are diverse.

We're not here to celebrate or pity, but to build genuine friendships. Our space is simply about creating friendships with women who don't necessarily want to talk about kids all the time (no offense to those who do, I'd probably do the same, Lord knows I talk about my dogs all the time). Let's focus on shared interests, laughter, and supporting each other in this unique journey of sisterhood.