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New Meetup: Skeptics in the Pub with Special Guest Pamela Gay

From: Mike M.
Sent on: Friday, November 26, 2010, 6:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The St. Louis Skeptics Meetup!

What: Skeptics in the Pub with Special Guest Pamela Gay

When: Friday, December 3,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Jack Patrick's
corner of 10th and Olive, downtown
St. Louis, MO 63101

Join us for the St. Louis Skeptics in the Pub. Skeptics in the Pub is an informal social event designed to promote fellowship and social networking among skeptics, critical-thinkers, and other like-minded individuals. It provides an opportunity for skeptics, rationalists, and science enthusiasts to talk, share ideas in a casual, relaxed atmosphere, and discuss whatever topical issues come to mind. But most importantly, it's about having fun while promoting skepticism, science, and rationality. In addition to the fun people, bocce ball, and great conversation, Skeptics in the Pub sometimes features lively presentations from scientists, philosophers, magicians & mentalists, activists, and others who are passionate about the scientific outlook.

As always, our host will be Michael Blanford, President of the The Skeptical Society of St. Louis and Director of Education of the James Randi Educational Foundation. At 7PM, we will have a presentation by Dr. Pamela Gay. Pamela Gay is the co-host of the popular astronomy podcast Astronomy Cast which discusses many amazing facts about our cosmos and how scientists come to know those facts. She also co-founded Slacker Astronomy, which was the first podcast devoted to astronomy. Dr. Gay has also taught physics at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and has collaborated on the Galaxy Zoo project, which enables members of the public to help scientists classify millions of galaxies.

Pamela Gay is also part of The Edge, formerly The Skeptologists, a TV pilot where she and other skeptical investigators confront a variety of pseudoscientific claims. She is currently working on a grant to get the show on PBS and has an immediate need for letters of support from educators, bloggers, and group organizers. I'll be sending a letter of support and if you care about getting good critical thinking on television I urge you to do the same.

Jack Patrick's has been a great host to St. Louis Skeptics in the Pub since the beginning. To maintain this relationship we ask that outside drinks not be brought into the event and that we support our host through the purchase of food and beverages.

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