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New Meetup: Skeptics in the Pub - St. Charles County

From: Jane
Sent on: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 7:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The St. Louis Skeptics Meetup!

What: Skeptics in the Pub - St. Charles County

When: Saturday, January 22,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Malones Grill and Pub
1320 Triad Center Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376

Join us on Saturday, January 22, 2011 to drink and fellowship with skeptics, critical thinkers and other like-minded individuals. With drinks and appetizers available to order, free thinkers, science enthusiasts and skeptics will be 'in the pub' to discuss life, the universe, and everything in a casual setting.

Skeptics in the Pub is an informal social event designed to promote fellowship and social networking among skeptics, critical-thinkers, and other like-minded individuals. It provides an opportunity for skeptics, rationalists, and science enthusiasts to talk, share ideas in a casual, relaxed atmosphere, and discuss whatever topical issues come to mind. But most importantly, it's about having fun while promoting skepticism, science, and rationality.

Malones Grill and Pub has been a gracious host to us before, and we're grateful for their continued welcome to us for this meeting.

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