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Message about Upcoming West L.A. Skeptics Meetups

From: Amanda S.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 10:00 AM
Hi all,

I am in a bind and hoping someone will step up to help me out. This meetup group has been a great success so far, with new members showing up every month. The enthusiasm of people joining the group has been amazing--I would say miraculous, but as Michael Shermer once said, something that occurs every day can hardly be categorized as a miracle.

Unfortunately, my new job and the massive workload that comes with it is preventing me from putting the time and energy that I originally was into this group. Unless someone can step into my size-eight shoes and take over as group organizer, I'll have to dissolve the group. Organizing isn't terribly difficult, but it involves being point person for each monthly meetup and either attending all meetups, or making sure an assistant organizer can attend in your place.

In the event that there are no takers for the job, don't be discouraged. The Center for Scientific Inquiry West has just launched a new monthly dinner and discussion group over here on the Westside, and has invited all of us to come join. Information is as follows:

Center for Inquiry West Los Angeles dinner/discussion group
Fourth Friday of each month
Meet at Dolores Restaurant
11407 Santa Monica Blvd
(4 blocks West of the 405 fwy; exit Santa Monica Blvd.)

1st table in the rear

6:30 Dinner begins
7:30 Begin discussion of skeptical topic
8:30 Formal Discussion ends

Hosted by Rachel Sene and Jay Johnson
Question please call[masked]
(4 blocks West of the 405, exit Santa Monica Blvd.)

In the meantime, if someone is potentially interested in taking over the organizer position for this meetup, please email me.
