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What we’re about

When two or more creatives gather together in a space it becomes electrified with imagination. We gather so we may benefit from the collaborative energies we naturally like to share and to learn from our peers in a safe space in which to create.

As with any activity worth pursuing in life we necessarily need to warm up the parts involved in our bodies in order to begin to move with precision and exactitude. In our case those 'parts' would be hand-eye coordination enabled by a warm up of the heart-brain connection and synchronizing with our mind space.

Now if you've gotten this far, but are thoroughly confused by the previous paragraph - that's're not alone. And I will break it down bit by bit over future meetups! Let's just say that if you've found a desire to crack open that sketchbook of yours and see what happens you are well on your WAY to become Wandering Art Yogis in your own right!

SketchBooking is a WAY; a place in which to practice the art of self-expression through simple yet mindful doodling which becomes a sketch that may turn into a drawing....perhaps more!

During the Meetup:

  • First 10 minutes is reserved for introductions of new attendees and perhaps a brief recap of what it is we're gathering to do
  • Next 15 minutes is for that all important warm up doodle/sketch/drawing (what's your skill level?)
  • We'll share with each other what we all sketched from the prompt I provide
  • Afterwhich you are invited to finish what you started with the warmup or pull out what you're working on this week and share with others, learn from others, ask questions!
  • Generally, enjoy your time sketching and getting to know your creative community.

Upcoming events (4+)

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