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What we’re about

Brooklyn Stand Up!

Introducing to the Cold Wide World,

////// SKI THE RIGHT THING ////////

A Ski Group for my hometown, Brooklyn

BK all Day!

All Levels of Riders are Welcome!

The name of this group is a tip of the hat to Academy Award Winning Director and Brooklyn Legend Spike Lee. Mad Love and Respect

/////THE GOALS////

Build a NY based community of riders
Have a baller time on the mountains with said community
Bring a renewed sense of gratitude and appreciation back home to NYC

/////// WHO ARE WE ////////

As a wilderness medicine physician, traversing diverse landscapes has instilled in me a deep understanding of varied medical conditions. Among nature's wonders, the mountains captivate me—their awe-inspiring vistas, crisp air, and the tranquil forest presence offer solace. Yet, our society, once deeply connected, now seems veiled in isolation despite our innate sociability. I attribute this cultural shift to the aftermath of widespread isolation during government-mandated shutdowns, fracturing our communal bonds.

Navigating these trying times has revealed our collective resilience. It's this very resilience that propels me to embrace the mountains, to ski and board beyond my own mental limits. I believe in the transformative power of community and how skiing together fosters connections and teaches invaluable lessons. It's about thriving on the mountain and carrying those lessons back to New York, rekindling our interconnectedness, and enriching our lives beyond the slopes. As we ski together, we grow, learn, and return to our city with a shared experience that strengthens our community bonds

Your Mountain Goat,

Dersim Kaya, M.D

//// ARE WE THERE YET? ////

NY/ VT Day Trips and Weekend Trips
5-7 Day Trip Ideas Jackson Hole, Big Sky, Alta, Snowbird...


By creating this group, I wanted to share my passion of the mountain with like minded riders, who appreciate nature and want to live in more harmony with it. Skiing personally gives me a lot of joy and I'm tired of spending most of my days with NYers who refuse to leave the city limits.

My Italian American Family: You wanna Leave Brooklyn in the Win-tuh?? To go Skiing? What's da matter with you? You got some loose screws or something?

No, Nonna I dont have any loose screws, I just love to ski and especially post Pandemic, I've felt the sense of community in NY is lacking, so I created Ski the Right Thing to help my fellow Brooklynites thrive on and off the mountain.

///////THE CHAT//////
Like any community, our communication is the pulse of the group. So let's be constructive and creative and let's talk about Trip Ideas and All Things Ski/ Snow BoardIncluding Gear, Mountain Conditions, Ski Exercises, Stretches and Mobility, and Epic Mountain Stories.

Please be respectful to all members of the community on the chat, even if you don't share the same opinions. Let's all try to remain calm and focus on the snow

Medical Disclaimer:
Even though I'm an Emergency and Wilderness Physician and will bring my first aid kit and some meds, we're going to follow resort procedures for medical evaluations and treatment if someone gets hurt. On the mountain, outside of the hospital, I'm limited to the role of a medical volunteer not a practicing physician in an office or hospital setting and the quality of my care can't be held to the same standard as such settings