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The Art of the Thriller, with Michael Allan Scott - SoCal Indie Writers Group

Photo of James Dain
Hosted By
James D.
The Art of the Thriller, with Michael Allan Scott - SoCal Indie Writers Group


Dear Fellow Writers,

Join us for an exciting meetup with thriller author Michael Allan Scott, where he'll share his expertise in crafting gripping narratives that keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Michael is the author of several crime and thriller novels, including the critically acclaimed the Lance Underphal Mystery Thrillers and the Jena Halpern Mystery Thrillers. With a career spanning fourteen years, he has mastered the art of creating complex characters, intricate plots, and heart-pounding suspense.

In this session, Michael will delve into the essential elements of writing compelling thrillers:

  • - Mastering suspense and pacing
  • - Crafting complex characters that resonate with readers
  • - Weaving multiple plot lines that keep readers guessing
  • - Navigating the publishing landscape for indie thrillers

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from one of the masters of the genre.

A free online presentation of the SoCal Indie Writers Group. In-person and online Meetups are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. Pacific. All writers welcome!

Michael Allan Scott is the author of two cross-genre thriller series - the Lance Underphal Mystery Thrillers and the Jena Halpern Mystery Thrillers - comprising 10 novels to date. His books, including Blood-Red Mist and Flight of the Tarantula Hawk, have been named Best Thriller of the Year and Ten Best Medical Thriller of the Decade.

When asked about time spent in solitary confinement in the Maricopa felony block, he said, “Some things are better left a mystery.” Yet he admits to drawing on life’s darker experiences to create a new breed of murder mystery thrillers. Michael Allan Scott, his wife, Cynthia, and their rescue Doberman, Roxie live with coyotes, bobcats, and javelina in the Arizona desert.

(Photo by Rene Asmussen)

Photo of SoCal Indie Writers Group San Diego group
SoCal Indie Writers Group San Diego
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