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Gee Gees and Gin 3

Photo of Susan
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Gee Gees and Gin 3


The Edinburgh Gin Raceday featuring the big race - The Edinburgh Cup. Early bird tickets on sale now hence putting this up so early! Early bird finishes 28th March and will cost you an extra £5 after for a while and £10 extra on the day.

We had such a fabulous day at this the last two years and the feedback was so good, we really have to make it an annual event.

If you’ve never been to the Races you are missing out on a fantastic day out. This is not about gambling (not for me anyway) but is about Atmosphere, anticipation and alcohol. You don’t need to bet at all if you’d rather not - or you can just bet £2 a race like I do - just so you are invested in the excitement of the race!! If the weather is good it’s a fab day out - if not, well there’s always the bar and it’s still a fab day out. Trust me - you’ll have a great day. This is one of the biggest events at Musselburgh and used to sell out pre covid so this might happen this year now we’re back to normal. There’s usually lots of bars (not only selling Gin of course) and food stalls if you’re hungry. Early bird general admission tickets are on sale now at £30. You must buy your own ticket asap (don’t leave it until the last minute as not only will you end up paying more but it might sell out). I am asking that you tell me when you’ve done it so I know you’re confirmed. We will arrange to meet in town to travel out together nearer the time.

So… Book your tickets at :-

And come and Social Eyes 👀

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Social Eyes
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Musselburgh Racecourse
Linkfield Road · Musselburgh, EH21 7RG
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