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Upcoming events!

From: user 4.
Sent on: Sunday, January 27, 2013, 4:24 PM

Hi Everyone

Hope you are staying warm . This month in Feb is full of events. We do more than just movies if you haven't noticed.

There are some movies coming up in which I do not have times or location yet announced but I will find out soon. Some people have emailed me and ask why I don't do any Virgina movies, well I live in Bethesda and I like doing movies around here If you want to do a movie in Virgina please feel free to email me and I'll set it up and make you the host. That is not a problem.

Upcoming meet ups: This week ; Trivia night ( I am actually hosting it for the bar so Scott will be the host for the group), Gonzo's nose, and Brunch & Card Games & Identity theft movie.

Please update your RSVP's as often as you can. I've had a few more no shows and have to remove some memebers to too many already. I call an make reservation so at least folks should be able to unrsvp.

And Meetups are subject to change or canceled for any reason at any time.

If you have quesitons please email me instead of posting all over the boards. It confuses people.

Thank you and hope to see you at an event soon!

Meredith Seed

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