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Intercambio de IDIOMAS Alicante

Photo of Söda
Hosted By
Intercambio de IDIOMAS Alicante


Todos los miércoles nos reunimos para intercambiar idiomas y vida. A veces organizamos juegos para hacerlo más divertido y participativo. No tengas vergüenza, estamos todos igual, unidos para aprender.
Hay un consumo mínimo obligatorio de 3€.
Os recordamos que está prohibido beber en la vía pública. Gracias.

Every Thursday we meet to exchange languages and life. Sometimes we organize games to make it more fun and participative. Don't be ashamed, we are all the same, united to learn.
There is a mandatory minimum consumption of 3€.
We remind you that drinking on public roads is prohibited. Thank you.

Photo of International Language Exchange Meetup group
International Language Exchange Meetup
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Every week on Wednesday until July 24, 2024

Söda Bar
C. del Médico Pascual Pérez, 8 · Alicante (Alacant), Al
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