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Transformation through Somatic Explorations: A Journey to Self-Discovery

Photo of Nora  & Paula
Hosted By
Nora & Paula .
Transformation through Somatic Explorations: A Journey to Self-Discovery


En Français et en Anglais!

Join us for an immersive experience in 4 domains of your life: personal, spiritual, intergenerational and collective. We will focus on personal development and spiritual growth through somatic explorations and self-awareness practices. This event is designed for individuals seeking to undergo a transformational journey, one MeetUp at a time. We will delve into the depths of the self, navigating through topics such as personal emancipation, consciousness, and life changes.
Bring your williness and curiosity, you are welcome as you are.
By donation

Photo of Somatic explorations group
Somatic explorations
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H4R 0J9
· Montreal, QC