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What we’re about

Welcome to Soulful Parker & Aurora!!
This group provides its members an intimate, safe space to grow personally and *feed your Higher Self ~ your wisest & most loving part of yourself! * We are here to share, learn, heal, practice, & explore the areas of our life that need nurturing BODY, MIND, SPIRIT, & EMOTIONS!

As for me, hi! I'm Ashley - I am a Holistic Mind-Body Coach who has a passion for connecting with other souls looking to better themselves and grow their self-awareness to be able to show up as their most true + authentic self. I recently took this group over from Anne Arndt and hope to be able to fill her shoes by offering classes, workshops, and connections for all of us to expand & learn & thrive in this crazy world we live in!

I am also a highly sensitive and empathic being who experiences the world deeply. Connecting with others & helping to make the world a better place are two of my favorite things. I constantly seek to maintain peace within myself, as I navigate the world as a highly sensory being.

This group is intended to attract people from all walks of life and at various stages of their growth and development. There is SO much more to life than what we experience with our five senses... so hopefully our events help to inspire, transform, & rejuvenate you to fill that empty space in your life with something meaningful.

Let's get connected & feel free to bring a friend!!! 
Love and Light,
Ashley Mooney