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What we’re about

Our lovely multi-instrumental Sound Baths can help you relax deeply and attain a better state of wellness. This high vibrational music creates a perfect supportive environment for pain and stress relief, conscious meditation, and self-awareness.

Shift your consciousness. Change your life. Find yourself. Consciously applied meditative sound can help you do this. Through relaxing the body and quieting the mind. And releasing tension and stress. Making way for you to access new healthy energy and improved wellness. Sound itself can be a transforming energy, when presented in this healthy form. Come experience it with us!

We host our local events in the acoustically friendly Chamber Room at Garden City Library and City Hall every Wednesday and frequent Saturdays. Our live events are an affordable public service, we welcome donations from those who can help support our project, and they are free-to-attend for those on a limited income. We're happy you found our group. If this is for you, we know you will benefit from our offerings. We look forward to playing for you at a Sound Bath very soon!

We're not a social gathering, nor a group healing circle, but rather a focused individual experience created to benefit your relaxation and wellness. We're not here to change the world, but rather to offer you an opportunity to change yourself. Click here for more about why our Sound Baths are so good for you. Come hear us and decide for yourself how our selected sounds can serve you. For more info you may see our web links.

Note: Pictures are preferred for membership, but not required. We do require real names, rather than user numbers.

Gordon Rosenberg, organizer

Upcoming events (4+)

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