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Virtual Meetup - Dynamic Arrays in Excel

Photo of Ben
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Virtual Meetup - Dynamic Arrays in Excel


This is an online event that will be hosted on Microsoft Teams , with the link to be shared nearer the event.

Traditional Excel formulas could only return a single value, but with the introduction of Dynamic Array formulas its now possible to return multiple values into a range of cells using just one formula.

I will go over new dynamic array functions, including FILTER, SEQUENCE, SORT, UNIQUE, as well as showing how these formulas can be combined with traditional formulas to make dynamic calculations that expand over multiple cells as the data changes.

If you currently find yourself having to repeat one formula over a large dataset and having to drag down those formulas every time your data expands, then come along and find out how dynamic arrays can help you create more flexible calculations.


A qualified CIMA Chartered Management Accountant and Microsoft Excel Expert I have been working in finance for over ten years. Initially working in accounting roles in the past few years he has moved in financial analysis using advanced Excel features to analyse financial data and build financial models, accounts and budgets and forecasts.

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