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Cyber attacks, Pub Crawl Week & more

From: Ellie
Sent on: Monday, March 3, 2014, 3:43 PM
Dear SBK Members
Unfortunately, Meetup continues to be the victim of cyber attacks and the website is down again. You can read about it here:
However, I want to assure you that The South Bay Karaoke Group (SBK) will continue to have meetups.  In fact, we have meetups planned on the Calendar through September 2014.   Tonight, for example, we'll be at C&J's sports bar in Santa Clara starting at 9:00 p.m.
Because the Meetup site has been unavailble, I haven't been able to post anything for Pub Crawl Week. So, we may have to postpone that for a week depending on accessibility of the site. Either way, please continue to check and Facebook for details about upcoming SBK events. We will ALWAYS have karaoke for our members. And no cyber punks are gonna keep us from singing!
Take care,