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Holiday Fiesta This Saturday

From: Ellie
Sent on: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 1:52 PM

Hi Folks,

Don't forget to join us this Saturday for the Holiday Fiesta Karaoke at the Acapulco Restaurant in Santa Clara. The Acapulco now starts karaoke at --- wait for it --- 7:00 PM! They go straight through until midnight which means FIVE WHOLE HOURS OF KARAOKE!!! You don't have to stay for the whole event, but I highly encourage people to come early. As many of you know, this place is very popular and tends to fill up fast. KJ Bob tells me that the people who show up at 7:00 p.m. basically have the run of the place for 2+ hours.

So, I hope you'll join us on Saturday if you can. If not, we'll see you at another event.

Take care,

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