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The Children's Museum has asked us to Kick Off their annual "MakerFest" this year. It's our third year in a row I think!

Bring these 2 setlists please:

As far as sound, Keith will bring his downsized PA. It has room for 5 mics (or up to 8 if need be). If everyone brings their own mics, stands and chords he can plug them in. That would be the easiest way to get set up an torn down quickly.

It is a pretty big event! We need to be ready to perform at 10am so allow lots of time for parking and getting setup/tuned up. Trust me, you will need it - but it's worth it!

Photo of Southern NH Ukulele Group (SNHUG) group
Southern NH Ukulele Group (SNHUG)
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Rotary Arts Pavilion
28-34 Henry Law Ave · Dover, NH
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