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From: Shereena
Sent on: Monday, January 7, 2013, 9:45 AM


Happy new year everyone!

As it's the start of a new year I'd like to ask you to make a new year's resolution: to NOT be a no-show please!

We have a no-show policy - the updated policy is as below:

In order to provide a place for all interested members & to be fair to the hosts & to the venues, there is a no show rule for our meetups:

- if you have RSVP'd yes and don't show up or

- if you change your RSVP from yes to no within 12 hours before the meetup takes place

you get 1 no-show point. Once you have reached 3 points within one year the meetup organisers have the right to exclude you from the group, should they choose to do so.

Also, if you are a no-show to an event then the host of that event has the choice to exclude you from their future events if they wish; hosts are not paid for their time, they give up their own time to organise & hosts events so it is extremely frustrating when there are no shows.

This rule is here so everyone can enjoy the events -  you and the hosts - it's common courtesy to let hosts know if you can't make an event - so please ensure you keep your RSVP up to date.

Look forward to seeing you at an event soon!



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