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[salsa-292] Salsa at Vandy

From: Leslee R.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 3:15 PM

To celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, The Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt will host Mambo Caliente, a night of explosive big band salsa by the Nashville Jazz Orchestra and special guests.

The dynamic performance will be 8 p.m. Oct. 9 in the Martha Rivers Ingram Center for the Performing Arts at Blair. The concert will feature New York pianist and arranger Oscar Hernandez playing compositions made famous by his world-renowned Spanish Harlem Orchestra.

Hernandez and NJO will be joined by musicians Marc Quinones and Bobby Allende, who will play Latin-style numbers by Celia Cruz, Tito Puente, and Gordon Goodwin.

NJO Director Jim Williamson will also welcome special guests Dalia Garcia, Lalo Davila and Glen Caruba on vocals and percussion.

Mambo Caliente is the first event in the NJO's 2008/2009 concert season as artist-in-residence at Blair. Founded in 1996, NJO is dedicated to perpetuating big band jazz. With 17 of Nashville 's top session and jazz players, they play clubs and jazz festivals.

Tickets are $20 general admission, $15 for Vanderbilt faculty and staff, seniors 65 and over, students with ID, and $5 for Vanderbilt students. Tickets will be available at the Ingram Center box office the night of the performance.

Contact: Jim Williamson, (615)[masked]
[address removed]

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