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Re: [spanish-570] Attn: Advanced Spanish Speakers! Sharing Sessions to Commence!

From: Karen S.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 3:26 PM
I would be very interested in this. I believe I would be able to come that day, I just need to know where it will be.
Sounds great!

From: Gerrit <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tue, March 2,[masked]:59:37 PM
Subject: [spanish-570] Attn: Advanced Spanish Speakers! Sharing Sessions to Commence!

Queridos miembros de Nashville Spanish Language Meetup:

Leslee, Caryn, Sheila, Tracey, Wendy, and I met this past Saturday to discuss plans for "Advanced Spanish" Sharing Sessions, which some of us have been talking about for months now.

Here are some of the ideas we discussed.

The purpose for these sessions is to improve our Spanish fluency via:

--- a) going beyond the text books; learning what the books don't tell us!
--- b) expanding our knowledge of colloquial usage and expressions;
--- c) reviewing more-difficult concepts, such as the subjunctive mood and the concept of time;
--- d) exploring the variety of cultural differences between countries and regions, and
--- e) improving our knowledge of our own local Hispanic communities.

The event is open to ALL Nashville Spanish Language Meetup members with the understanding that:

--- a) one MUST R.S.V.P. to the event if attending, so that we can plan for adequate space, and

--- b) in order to get the maximum benefit from the sessions and so as to make best use of the group's time, participants SHOULD have a working knowledge of conversational Spanish and grammar (be able to conjugate regular verbs in all tenses), with the ability to put together simple complete sentences quickly, even if containing errors.


With the above criteria, attendees can decide for themselves whether they think they qualify to attend. It is our desire to help others improve their Spanish whenever we can, but for these sessions, a comfortable level of accomplishment and experience is required on the part of participants.

3) Native speakers are gratefully encouraged to attend, of course!

4) We will meet in a quiet space conducive to conversation; a neutral place such as a small banquet hall or a large office conference room.

5) The duration of the session will be approximately 2 hours. We hope to have these sessions monthly or twice-monthly.

6) The first session will take place on Sunday, March 14, at 4 pm (Nashville location currently being confirmed). Free admittance, but RSVP required.

Due to current space restrictions, participation is limited to 20 people. Please RSVP ASAP, so as to confirm your seat. !Gracias!

We invite your comments and suggestions!

Abrazos a todos,
Gerrit Wilson

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]