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Spiritual Discussion: Anyone Can Soul Travel!

Photo of Judy Pickering
Hosted By
Judy P.
Spiritual Discussion: Anyone Can Soul Travel!


"You are Soul, an eternal, individual spark of God. Soul is the True Self, the real you. One of a kind, on a divine journey back to the heart of God.

So, in the simplest terms, Soul Travel is an individual moving closer to the heart of God."
—Harold Klemp, ECK Wisdom on Soul Travel, p. 4

A close cousin to dreaming, Soul Travel is a natural process that opens the door to the incredible universes where we truly live and have our being.

Join us for a heart opening spiritual chat to learn more about what Soul Travel is and how to do it. Learn about a spiritual guide who can show you the road to your infinite future—a road that courses through every moment of your daily life.

Free gift book to new guests. For more info, call (800) 591-0694.

Photo of Springfield Spiritual Experiences Group group
Springfield Spiritual Experiences Group
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