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Meeting Tonight @ 7pm

From: Amre E.
Sent on: Thursday, May 2, 2013, 2:21 PM

Love is a way of being. It is the energy that radiates when the blocks to it have been surrendered. It is more than an emotion or a thought—it is a state of being. Love is what we have become through the pathway of surrender. It is a way of being in the world that says: “How can I be of help to you? How can I comfort you? How can I loan you money when you’re broke? How can I help you find a job? How can I console you when you’ve suffered a major loss in your family?” Lovingness is a way through which we light up the world."

Hawkins, David [masked]). Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender (Kindle Locations[masked]). Veritas Publishing.

I often pray and ask God to show me how to be more Loving in my day-to-day life/activities. The answer I always get is that I must be willing to surrender that which is blocking the Love that is already there. "Willingness" is the key. What are my blocks to Love? They are my judgments, my resentments, lack of forgiveness for myself and others, fear of loss, and pretty much the entire ego structure.

Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, David Hawkins and almost every enlightened sage/mystic has told us something along the lines of "Love thy neighbor as you Love thy Self". Whenever I feel the unwillingness to Love arise within me, I picture Jesus, Buddha, and David Hawkins all there in the room with me. Its comical but the willingness to Love shows up in seconds. This technique actually works. I learned it from an interview with Doc a few years ago.

"Forgiveness is an aspect of love that allows us to see life events from the viewpoint of grace. We forgive ourselves for the errors we made when we were less evolved. It is helpful to see the ego or small part of ourselves as a cute little teddy bear. The teddy bear is not “bad”; we don’t hate or scold the little bear. We love it and accept it for what it is: a cute little animal who doesn’t know any better. We transcend the smaller aspects of ourselves by accepting and loving them. We see the ego as “limited,” not “bad.”

Hawkins, David [masked]). Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender


Doc would always remind us that in Bible it says "Judgment is mine. Sayeth the Lord."

Many times,we hold very harsh judgments about ourselves. Somehow in all our research on being Loving, We forget the little "teddy bear" within us who needs Love as well.

I look forward to seeing you all this Thursday. We will Read, Share, and Discuss about this wonderful topic and also do a Love Meditation that was taught by Dr. Hawkins. We go out for dinner after the meeting. There is a 10$ suggested donation to cover the Meetup fees, space rental, and library maintenance. All are welcome to join us, and no one is turned away. God bless and Gloria en Excelsis Deo, All Glory be to Thee Oh Lord!