- Wisconsin Roving Trail CrewVogues Road, Gurney, WI
The Wisconsin Roving Trail Crew ("Rovers") will be spending the majority, if not all, of their 2024 time opening the Foster Falls / Potato River corridor (6+ miles), building trail tread, constructing bridges throughout, and possibly building some stone stairs as well. Swimming in the falls (both Foster and/or Wren) as water temperatures allow will be a highlight. This work area falls within the Heritage Chapter area and the crew looks forward to working with their members and volunteers to complete this significant new stretch of the trail - see https://nct.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Viewer/index.html?appid=23a2c0d674cb443ea9835af2e8c5f13a&extent=-90.5783,46.4145,-90.3585,46.4806.
If you have never been on one of the Rovers' workweeks, it is the NCTA's flagship volunteer crew program and has built most of the new NCT and trail structures in Wisconsin over the last couple of decades. Here is how it works: The crew gathers on Monday afternoon to set up camp and enjoy dinner together. Volunteers work on the project from Tuesday through Friday morning. Camp is broken down on Friday and volunteers depart for home. The crew camps together and all meals are provided at no charge. Volunteers can join the crew for a day, a couple of days, the whole week, or the whole season.
If interested, email Brad (rovers@northcountrytrail.org) and he will be more than happy to answer any questions regarding camping, meals, packing list, link-up locations, etc.
The crew campsite is the Quiet Pines camp which is located on private land on Vogues Road off of WI Hwy 169 south of Gurney, WI.