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Understanding The Transformational Qualities Inside The Feeling Of Rejection

Photo of Natalia Taylor
Hosted By
Natalia T.
Understanding The Transformational Qualities Inside The Feeling Of Rejection


The world is full of rejection, whether it be a boss or employer, a friend, a lover, a family member anything else the world wants to throw our way.

At some point in our lives, we have all felt the dagger of rejection pierce our tender hearts. It's not a nice feeling and you are not alone in feeling it.

But, here is the thing...

Rejection is a double-edged sword:-

It can be our Greatest Teacher or our Worst Nightmare.
It can cause us to Blossom in amazing ways or Shrink into a pit of Self-Hate
It can ignite Passion and Inner Strength or cause us to Wither and Crumble inside.

As always - The choice is yours

  • You can learn to embrace rejection and use it as an avenue for inner strength and determination or you can use it to beat yourself up with negative chit-chat.
  • You can use it as a catalyst for Self-Love and Confidence or you can languish in feelings of hurt and betrayal.
  • You can use rejection as a springboard for greater Clarity and Purpose or you can use it to fall into the darkness and stay stuck where you are.

Which one do you want to choose? Now is the time!!!

It's time for you to embrace the powerful being that you are.
It's time to seek out new opportunities that excite and empower you,
It's time to express yourself more freely and embrace meeting new people.

It's time to understand and become the master of Rejection.

On Wednesday, May 29th at 19.30, Natalia will be holding an exclusive Online Discussion and Meditation which is a "Must-Attend"

Natalia will help you understand Rejection at a much deeper level.

You will learn why it feels so horrible and hear others share their own experiences of rejection.

More importantly...
You will see a path to living a much fuller life full of self-expression, love & creativity.

See you online on 29th May at 1930.

Be Happy,

Photo of Thriving with Authentic Happiness group
Thriving with Authentic Happiness
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