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Tomorrow: Event Networking, Mass Messaging & Cash Flow Demos, a Twitter Hack and Special Guest

From: Built In C.
Sent on: Sunday, January 26, 2014, 7:24 AM



6:30: registration
7:00: kickoff
7:10: guest speaker
7:20: hack of the month
7:30: demos
8:00: introductions
8:15: food + networking


Jenefeness Clark and Patty Meagher
Small Business Development Center

Hack of the Month:

Matthew TerenzioFun with Twitter cardsHow to attach media experiences to tweets that link to your content


Oji UdezueIntermingl - Helps you discover, connect and build relationships with the most important people you have not met yet.

Jeremy Smith5kywire - Mass Messaging at your fingertips

John VenturaCashPath Financial - Use technology to actively guide every day people's every day money to positive outcomes.



Discounted online payment ends Monday, the day of, at 4:00PM.

We will be accepting $15 cash payment at the door.



Fun Facts

The Stamford Tech Meetup has had over 40 events in the past 3 years, over 120+ companies demo, and a total of 2000+ attendees and counting!

Want to demo?

Fill Out Our Application

Who has graced our stage?

Over 100+ companies have demoed at the Stamford Tech Meetup. Have you?

- The Stamford Tech Team