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Innovation Café

Photo of Ivan Suhinin
Hosted By
Ivan S.
Innovation Café


🚀 Hey, everyone!

This is a bi-weekly morning coffee event that is uniting the like-minded entrepreneur minds of Málaga ☕️

As per tradition, no formal agenda or moderation — just raw, unfiltered conversations in English and now a bit in Spanish 🗣️

Our focus remains on cultivating relationships, providing a platform for you to interact with peers, share your journey, and gain insights from others in the startup ecosystem 👥.

It's the perfect environment to bounce ideas, form new alliances, and spark potential collaborations, all over a delightful cup of coffee and some amazing breakfast at No Piqui. ☕️

Let's assemble, build connections, and immerse ourselves in thought-stimulating discussions in a casual setting.

Photo of Startup Oasis - Tech, Founders, nomads, devs, UI/UX, Product group
Startup Oasis - Tech, Founders, nomads, devs, UI/UX, Product
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