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What we’re about

The Positive Social Impact Meetup Group is a gathering of founders, entrepreneurs, developers, technologists, creatives, innovators and tinkerers focused on how to best make a positive social impact with their startup locally, regionally, nationally and globally.

This is your place to connect with other social entrepreneurs, social enterprises, b-corps, triple bottom line (TBL), environmental, social, and governance (ESG), corporate social responsibility (CSR) folks working on building a better world thru business.

A first-in-kind research by the Schwab Foundation’s Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship finds that there are approximately 10 million social enterprises worldwide, which collectively generate around $2 trillion in annual revenues, creating over 200 million jobs. The sector now outranks other mainstream industries by annual revenue, such as telecom and apparel. Moreover, social enterprises align their missions with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably in creating decent work, driving climate action and reducing poverty and inequalities.

Many of these social enterprises are focused on one or many of the 17 sustainable development goals.

PS. words. "social impact" and "change the world", are interesting and often used words. But come on know, social impact can be...negative. And many people and businesses change the world...for the worse. Don't do that. Focus on a net positive uplift for outcome of the business. Also, keep in mind, no margin, no mission. Doing good but not having a great business model baked in, kinda tough to scale.