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What we’re about

Na STEM 4 Health & AgTech meetup-u uz ležernu atmosferu bavimo se ozbiljnim pitanjima.

Zanimaju nas inovacije, medicina, znanost, tehnologije i srodna područja. Želimo međusobno povezati zdravstvene startupove, agroindustriju, biotehnologe, studente, programere, tehnologe, znanstvenike, biologe, bioinformatičare, analitičare, dizajnere, kao i slobodne profesionalce, tvrtke i institucije zainteresirane za LIFE science, poljoprivredu, zdravstvene tehnologije i srodne teme u Hrvatskoj.

Zašto baš meetup? Jer mislimo da se najbolje ideje razvijaju upravo u iskrenoj, opuštenoj i ležernoj atmosferi. Bez previše formalnosti i neovisno o  području, meetup je namjenjem svim zainteresiranima. Družimo se radi razgovora i rasprave, izmjene iskustava, da bismo potaknuli nove, inovativne ideje i međusobnu suradnju.

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At STEM 4 Health & AgTech meetup we talk about serious topics in a casual manner.

This meetup is all about innovation, medicine, science, technology and related fields. We aim to connect digital health and agro startups, biotech startups, students, developers, technologists, scientists, biologists, bioinformaticians, data analysts, business intelligence analysts, designers, social media networkers, freelancers, established companies, institutes or organizations, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, stakeholders in the healthcare system; essentially anyone interested in LIFE sciences, agriculture, healthcare technologies and related businesses in Croatia.

Why meetup? Because we believe best ideas come from honest, relaxed and casual atmosphere. Without too many formalities, regardless of the field, this meetup is for anyone interested. We hang out to talk and discuss, exchange experiences, to encourage new, innovative ideas and connect people.