What we’re about
Keeping small flocks of poultry has been a keystone of sustainable living for centuries.
This local food tradition is returning to cities and towns across America.
We want to show that well maintained flocks are good neighbors.
They’re much quieter than dogs, lawn mowers and traffic, they are not smelly and rather than spread disease, small diverse flocks are the solution to avian diseases that evolve in highly concentrated commercial poultry operations.
If you have domestic fowl, plan to get some or are just curious, please join our group!!!
Eggs Anyone???
Members are welcome to suggest event ideas, host events, and start discussion topics on our discussion board.
The following criteria are required in order for you to become/remain a member:
1. You must post a current photo that clearly shows an unobstructed, fairly close up view of your face. If in a group, please state which one is you. Pictures of animals, scenery, etc. do not qualify.
2. Address the questionnaire on the profile page as you join.
3. Be a resident of Missouri or Illinois within 100 miles of St. Louis.
4. Post your name, not a pseudonym. No titles, (Dr., Count, etc.), nom de plumes, initials, etc.
5. Pay a $5 membership fee annually. This goes to keeping our group alive on Meetup (subscription fees), as well as event costs (if needed), reimbursements to organizer, or other members, who cover/incur costs pertaining to our Meetup group or events.