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Re: [stlppg] This week-end event

From: christine h.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 10:53 PM
Jiri,  my husband and I went to quincy yesterday to get a lesson from Mike Mixer.  We were really excited, I ordered a glide to practice, and he loaned us one also.  HOWEVER,  i got to tell you, I was a little freaked out.  Mike said he was injured in a construction accident, which may be, but then we saw his crash and it gave me the willies, I was shocked.  I have thought about him all night /day and feel so bad for him, it was wierd seeing the video after assuming it was a construction fall.  Also, reading about his vast experience, it was disheartening to see the flaps just collaspe...what would it be like for a beginner.  I am less freaked out now, and would like to go to jeff City, however, taking it a bit slower than before.  We have a plane and could fly there, what time is the event?  Mike is holding off on the glider until we decide what to do.

On Sep 25, 2013, at 10:48 AM, Jiri wrote:

Flying, travel, good people, If all of that sounds good to you then you may join us on Tripp to to Jefferson City airport for air show. You can join one of our cars or just drive in by self. More info here: Let us know if you like to car pool with us. Jiri

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Christine Hoene

Lifesafe Services
888 -767 -0050

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