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The Nutcracker - Scottish Ballet @ Theatre Royal

Photo of Margaret Gilligan
Hosted By
Margaret G.
The Nutcracker - Scottish Ballet @ Theatre Royal


Costumes plucked from the most gorgeous chocolate box; Tchaikovsky’s score to transport you to a land of dreams; and a story lifted straight from the pages of a classic fairy tale.
We follow Clara on a journey through the worlds of her imagination, as she drifts off to sleep on Christmas Eve. She meets the dashing Nutcracker Prince, takes on the larger-than-life Rat King, sees snowflakes dance in the Land of Ice and Snow, and is whisked into the luscious Land of Sweets by the Sugar Plum Fairy! The Nutcracker brings light and joy to winter. Enjoy a visual feast as we take you on a fantastical adventure. With live music played by the Scottish Ballet Orchestra, this ever-popular ballet is the perfect festive treat.

As always, they are holding some seats for us up in the balcony .... the view is great and there's a lift to get you there if you need it!

Tickets are £15 (inclusive of group fee). Payment is due into our account NO LATER than TUESDAY 14 MAY 2024, after which date rsvps will be closed.
Message me (Margaret) if you require bank details.
Please note that for payment confirmation you should check the event page where 'paid' will be marked against your name. Please allow up to 3 days before checking.

Photo of Strictly Social 50+ group
Strictly Social 50+
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Theatre Royal Glasgow
282 Hope Street · Glasgow
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