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Sunday Circle: Thematic Writing and Art Group

Photo of Jenn Avery
Hosted By
Jenn A.
Sunday Circle: Thematic Writing and Art Group


Please RSVP by noon on the day of the event if you plan to come. Participation is limited to 8 people.

Get inspired with a new themed prompt each week to help generate your creative flow!

We join together each week on Sundays (1-2:30pm at Leverett Village Co-Op) to create. Creations may be writing (poetry, stories, journaling, songs), art (drawing, painting, digital arts), or other form of expression (knitting, crochet, scrapbooking).

What to expect:

The meeting begins with the presentation of a prompt, which may be a word, phrase, reading, instruction, visual, or other cue. Then, participants spend an hour generating a creative response to the prompt in whichever modality they like.

Participants can share their work after the hour, or stick around to socialize.

Photo of Sunday Circle: Thematic Writing and Art Group group
Sunday Circle: Thematic Writing and Art Group
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Every week on Sunday until June 22, 2024

Leverett Village Co-Op
180 Rattlesnake Gutter Rd · Leverett, MA