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Trying again!Join us for the first virtual Meet and Greet of the Support Group for Parents of Estranged Adult Children

Welcome. Join me for the 1st Meetup Event of the Support Group for Parents of Estranged Adult Children. This is a virtual free event for people who need/want to share in a mutually respectful, safe, non-judgemental compassionate space. I am a retired Mental Health Professional but I created this Meetup because I have been grieving the loss of both of my children to estrangement for many years. This is a complex heartbreak few understand. And even more rare, I have found, are support forums that are based on compassion for self & others ( which includes for our children). The guiding principles of this group include a focus on the concurrent Grieving & Healing Journeys, Grace, Unconditional Acceptance & Compassion. Confidentiality is paramount.This is a NON- shaming NON-blaming group.
Please no expression of bitterness, labelling, projections nor harsh criticism. Consider
carefully if this group is for you.We will start by intros & setting agendas for future meetings. Going forward this
will be a closed private group if members request that.
Use a pseudonym &/ or turn off your
zoom video anytime to protect the confidentiality of you & your children. You can change this at any time. Let's share our stories or simply listen to feel less alone. You are not alone. We can exchange info, resources, coping strategies & pathways towards a future that allows loss & peace to co-exist.
Sometimes that is moment by moment. Wishing you well & hoping you will bravely join me. BWGrace aka Barb
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A safe compassionate NON-blaming ( twds parents nor kids) confidential hybrid group. Sharing & supporting the journey of grief, healing,coping & functioning. Ottawa, in- person &/or virtual. Dates, locatiion tbd