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What we’re about

Everyone is looking for something, but they don't know what it is or how to find it. We all try to find this thing from outer sources, such as partners, children, jobs, friends, wealth, food, and/or substances, but these things can only give us some temporarily relief at best, until we are left still unhappy, unsatisfied and unfulfilled in the long-term.

This thing that we are all longing for is the peace, love and joy one feels when they fully remember who they truly are. Once one remembers who they truly are, all seeking stops, and all questions are answered. At that point, you will know that you have found what you have always been looking for. This is what has been referred to as enlightenment.

Your soul has decided that it has had enough of suffering, and it has decided that it is time to remember the truth of who you really are.

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