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Re: [sushi-albany] Gourmet Sushi

From: Kim S.
Sent on: Saturday, August 9, 2014, 6:24 AM
I would love a gourmet sushi dinner Ed! Small group is even better!! Keep me in the loop please. 

Kim Smith

On Aug 8, 2014, at 10:57 PM, Ed Haddad <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello Members,

As you can see we have kicked off the season as Summer is coming to an end. Three events have been scheduled and I am trying to get Sushi X just before Labor Day.

I have to share something delightful that happened this evening. I was meeting a couple, friends and clients, to discuss certain legal matters and we decided to do it over dinner. (Yes, a Friday night BUSINESS meeting. YUK!!) On my way to meet them Jerry from Samurai texted me out of the blue to tell me that he had gotten in some Blue Fin Tuna. Since they are sushi lovers we chose to dine at Samurai.

As we were given the menus, I asked the couple how brave they were. They sheepishly said to go for it so I gave Jerry the menus and told him that since he got us here he had to plan the meal.

It was an amazing presentation of the best sushi we had ever eaten. My friends are well traveled and have had sushi in San Francisco and other major cities in and out of the USA. They told me that they had never experienced such a great Sushi dinner anywhere else.

So my Organizer mind started to spin and I thought that perhaps it was time for us to step it up a bit and schedule a gourmet Sushi dinner. It would be served to tables of 4 and everyone would get the same goodies. Although Jerry has not come up with a price yet, you can expect the dinner to cost in the area of double what our normal prices have been. From my experience today, I can tell you that the meal will overwhelm you in quality, taste and presentation.

Tanya and Pierre, the people who shared this dinner with me, said more than once before dinner that they hoped they didn’t make a mistake giving up the menus. After dinner they said they were joining our Group just to come back to this event I am planning. They couldn’t say enough about how much they enjoyed dinner.

There will be some changes to the format to make this work.

First of all, it will have to be a pre-pay. Jerry will have to order certain items that are not usually on his food shopping list and those items are more expensive.

Second, the cut off for commitment to the event will have to be one week before the dinner and not the normal day of the Meetup. He will need that time to get the right fish. Translation, once you are within that one week, the pre-pay belongs to the Samurai. At that point the only way to get money back would be to sell your seat. Prior to the cutoff, the old rule is still in play. You may cancel right up to the minute of the cutoff.

Third, Jerry has asked that we schedule on a Thursday, the day his fish is delivered. Sound very fresh to you? We had Japanese Shark and mackerel, Blue Fin belly tuna, among other delicacies.

So before I go crazy with this, I already have 3 people coming. Yes, the 3 that dined there tonight. If this interests you, email me and let me know that I have not gone totally off the deep end and you like this idea as much as I do. If I get the interest I am going to ask Jerry to get started and I will formally post it when he gives me the details.

The Sushi Club is entering its 8th year. We have gone from 18 Members to 761 with at least 2 new ones joining tonight. What a way to kick off the year.


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